Treasury Executes Total ROT Sales of 12 Billion TL Ahead of Auctions


Treasury Executes Total ROT Sales of 12 Billion TL Ahead of Auctions

The Treasury made a total of 12 billion TL in non-competitive bids (ROT) sales to public institutions and market makers ahead of two auctions it will hold today. The Treasury will issue fixed coupon bonds with a maturity of 2 years (602 days) and variable interest rate bonds with a maturity of 6 years (2,310 days).

Before the fixed coupon bond auction, market makers submitted bids totaling 14 billion 213.4 million TL, while the ROT sales amounted to 7 billion TL. In the auction, the sale of ROT to the public was realized at 4 billion TL. The Treasury met all the bids received.

Before the variable interest auction, 1 billion 752.5 million TL in ROT bids were received, of which 1 billion TL was accepted. No sales were made to the public in this auction.