How Did Borsa Istanbul Move Today? Which Stocks Stood Out?


How Did Borsa Istanbul Move Today? Which Stocks Stood Out?

The BIST 100 index showed a downward trend on the last trading day of the week but started to rise in the last hour. Unlike yesterday's trading, the BIST 100 began the day with a downward trend but recovered towards the end of the day. The index fell to 9,985 points today and found support at this level, rising to around 10,100 points as the close approached.

The index outside of the BIST 100 performed better than 100 stocks today and gained over 1% by the end of the day. Sector-wise, insurance, communication, construction, and real estate were the most sought-after sectors, while banks and trade were the sectors pressuring the index.

The top five gaining stocks within the BIST 100 today were:

  • ADEL
  • AKSA

The stocks that experienced the most significant declines in the BIST 100 were:

  • MAVI

Overall, TMPOL, DCTTR, and ONCSM were among the top gainers on the Istanbul Stock Exchange. The stocks that recorded the largest losses as the day closed were DOBUR, BMSCH, and GRTHO.

In the domestic currency market, the dollar/TL reached a record high of 34.96 today, trading at 34.94 as the week closes. The Euro/TL is trading at 36.70, showing a half-point increase. Gold in grams decreased by almost 1% to 2,987 TL today.

In international markets, Asia closed the week with losses. In the European markets, a positive outlook prevailed except for the FTSE 100, while US indices started the last trading day of the week in positive territory.