Which Stocks Stand Out as Borsa Istanbul Moves Sideways Today?


Which Stocks Stand Out as Borsa Istanbul Moves Sideways Today?

The BIST 100 index rose in the first half of the day but showed selling pressure in the second half. The BIST 100 reached up to 10,155 points with an almost 1% increase during the morning session. However, as selling began at this point, the index pulled back to the 10,050 point range, giving back its intraday gains. The index outside the BIST 100 had a gain of 0.2% towards the close.

In Borsa Istanbul today, tourism, insurance, and metal sectors were the most sought after. Petrochemicals, transportation, and real estate were among the sectors that saw the most declines. The top five rising stocks in the BIST 100 towards the close were as follows: PEKGY AKFYE HALKB KTLEV ASTOR Meanwhile, the top five declining stocks in the BIST 100 were listed as: CWENE KOZAA AGROT KOZAL GOLTS Overall in Borsa Istanbul, alongside PEKGY, KENT and QNBFK were among the top gainers. Stocks that dropped to the bottom price included KRGYO, BOSSA, and IPEKE, which were among the biggest losers.

In the domestic currency market, the dollar/TL remained stable at 34.87. Euro/TL saw a 0.28% increase, trading at 36.71, while the gram gold price fell by nearly 1% to 3,005 TL today.

In overseas markets, European indices moved positively following the ECB's interest rate decision. U.S. indices started the day in the negative, with only the Dow Jones exhibiting a flat trend.