Title: Reasons for Layoffs at Tofaş Revealed in the Company's Termination Letter-CNBC-e


Title: Reasons for Layoffs at Tofaş Revealed in the Company's Termination Letter-CNBC-e

The reasons for the layoffs at Tofaş (IS:TOASO) were revealed in a termination letter sent by the company. According to reports, Tofaş, a significant player in the Turkish automotive sector and operating under Koç Holding (IS:KCHOL), announced that it has laid off 13% of its workforce. In the letter sent to employees regarding the termination of their contracts, it was emphasized that issues such as the special consumption tax bracket, competition problems with imported vehicles, and the burden created by the discontinued and soon-to-be-discontinued Doblo and Fiorino models were highlighted. It also stated, "Due to increasing order cancellations in foreign markets and declining production, cost-saving measures proved insufficient."