Cash Loans from Financial Institutions Approaching 16 Trillion TL


Cash Loans from Financial Institutions Approaching 16 Trillion TL

Forex - Cash loans from credit institutions approached 16 trillion TL.
As of October 1, 2024, cash loans provided by institutions that are members of the Türkiye Bankalar Birliği Risk Merkezi increased by 36% compared to the same month last year, reaching 15.858 trillion TL.
Of the cash loans, 15.322 trillion TL was provided by banks (64 banks), 220 billion TL by financial leasing companies (19 financial leasing companies), 154 billion TL by financing companies (24 financing companies), and 162 billion TL by factoring companies (48 factoring companies).
The non-performing loans amounted to 349 billion TL as of October 2024. Of these non-performing loans, 328 billion TL belong to banks; 13 billion TL to financial leasing companies; 5 billion TL to factoring companies; and 3 billion TL to financing companies. The ratio of non-performing loans to total loans increased by 0.4 points compared to the previous year, reaching 2.2% in October 2024.
Commercial loans reached 12.2 trillion TL.
Commercial loans increased by 33%, reaching 12.2 trillion TL. The share of commercial loans in the total stood at 77%. The manufacturing industry holds the largest share at 31% among commercial loans. The other major sector with a share of 10% or more is wholesale and retail trade.
As of October 2024, the sector with the highest non-performing loan ratio was the construction and energy sector at 4.7%.
Individual loans reached 3.6 trillion TL.
Individual loans provided by banks and non-bank financial institutions increased by 46%, reaching 3.6 trillion TL. While 99% of individual loans are provided by banks, 22 billion TL worth of individual loans provided by financing and financial leasing companies included 12.8 billion TL in vehicle loans.
In individual loans, credit cards accounted for 47%, personal loans for 27%, housing loans for 13%, vehicle loans for 2%, and overdraft accounts for 11%.
The non-performing loan ratio in individual loans stood at 2.7%.