Which Stocks Stand Out Amidst Today's Decline on Borsa Istanbul?
The BIST 100 index exhibited a bearish trend throughout the day. After achieving positive closes for the last 7 trading days, it broke its upward streak with today’s sales. Starting the day flat, the index experienced a decline throughout the day, ending up falling more than 1.5% and dropping below the 10,100 points mark as the market closed.
When looking at the sub-sectors in Borsa Istanbul, it is observed that only factoring remained in positive territory today. The sectors that decreased the most included cement, which rose 8% yesterday, along with metal, construction, and banking.
The top 5 gaining stocks in the BIST 100 by the end of the day were listed as follows: KLSER AGROT LMKDC GUBRF KCAER
Conversely, the top 5 losing stocks in the BIST 100 today were: PEKGY GOLTS MAVI CIMSA KONYA
In Borsa Istanbul overall, ARENA, USAK, and SANKO reached their upper price limits, becoming the top gainers. Meanwhile, SELGD, BINBN, and ENSRI shares were among the biggest losers today.
In the domestic currency market, the dollar/TL moved up by 0.1% to continue trading at 34.84, while the euro/TL fell by 0.2%, trading at 36.72. Gold per gram increased by 1% today, stepping into the 3,000 TL range.
In international markets, European indices continued to show a predominantly bearish and indecisive outlook, while U.S. indices opened with a similar trend. During the first hour in the U.S., the Dow Jones and Russell 2000 were in the red, whereas Nasdaq and S&P 500 were in positive territory.