Market Overview: 400 Tons of Cotton Transacted on the IGB
In the İzmir Commodity Exchange, a transaction of 400 tons of cotton took place. According to information compiled from the İzmir Commodity Exchange Bulletin, 300 tons of Menemen cotton in color 32 was sold at 56.00 TL, and 100 tons of Manisa cotton in color 42 was sold at 55.00 TL for a maturity of 15 days. For cotton in colors 53 and 43, buyers were negotiating prices in the range of 50.00-51.00 TL, while for color 42 cotton, the maximum price quoted was 55.00 TL, and for color 32 cotton, the maximum price was 56.00 TL. For color 41 cotton, buyers were discussing a minimum price of 56.00 TL. A related trend was observed in the market.